Supplements and Vitamins Niacin Max. Supports blood flow to the muscles and maximizes nutrient and oxygen delivery; improving energy levels. and enabling you to reach your peak physical performance. It also supports the metabolism and central nervous system, boosting recovery, fat burning, and muscle growth, allowing you to build your ideal physique faster. All while supporting the oxygen flow to the brain to improve focus and concentration, enabling faster reactions and quicker decisions while competing, giving you the edge over your competitors. In other words, this is what you should be using if you are that serious about achieving your goals.
Niacin Max is a fine spray that dissolves on your tongue, allowing the niacin to be quickly absorbed through the mucosal tissue in your mouth and into your bloodstream within just minutes. It also means that unlike some supplements that can give you an upset stomach by irritating its lining – especially when taken on an empty stomach – Niacin Max won’t cause any side effects.
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No other niacin supplement is as powerful as Niacin Max well so far anyway. Because no other niacin supplement uses our unique delivery technology.
Conventional supplements like pills and powders have very poor bioavailability, which means they are not absorbed efficiently by your body. Ordinary supplements have to pass through your digestive system before they can enter your bloodstream and reach your cells.

But as much as 90% of an ordinary supplement never reaches your bloodstream because the acids in your digestive system destroy most of it before it gets there. Which means it’s impossible for you to benefit from its true effects.NiacinMax avoids your digestive system entirely. The spray dissolves rapidly on your tongue, releasing 15mg of pure niacin straight into your bloodstream. And because our niacin is bio-structured with liposomes, it is protected right up until the time it reaches your cells. This highly targeted, shielded delivery system gives NiacinMax a higher bioavailability than any other niacin supplement. Which means you get almost all of it, not just some of it.
Most supplements only deliver 10-15% of their active ingredient into your bloodstream. Niacin Max delivers up to 90% pure niacin straight into your bloodstream, making it 45 times more effective than any other supplement.
To be Honest…
We review many types and brands of supplements to say this is the perfect one would be rather single minded of us it really would be. There are so many brands with so many different functions. We actually like this product we can’t say love because this would be too biased, now we love the concept that its a spray and it goes right into your system. With other supplements you have to take them on an empty stomach to get true full absorption of the product, which means you gotta wait at least an hour for it to kick in. An well lets face it sometimes we just do not have that kind of time.
Now Niacin itself is very awesome Niacin helps our system to break down fats, carbohydrates, as well as proteins right into energy. Niacin similarly plays a substantial duty in boosting our health. According to a recent survey, it has been confirmed that Niacin is able to enhance good cholesterol by as much as 30%.
In addition, it has been found that this wonderful supplement can additionally help stroke patients. In most cases, a clog within a blood vessel that provides blood to our mind is accountable for 87% of Ischemic strokes nowadays. Nonetheless, a research study back in 2002 insisted that the damage to our mind as a result of strokes can be treated with the help of Niacin supplements.

People experiencing from cancer cells will certainly additionally find Niacin to be extremely valuable. It can also be beneficial for other skin troubles.
Even Individuals struggling with intimacy troubles will certainly additionally gain from this supplement. It has been found that vitamin B3 has the capacity to enable men afflicted with serious erectile dysfunction to preserve an erection for a longer time period.
So as you can see its a pretty awesome Supplement in it self.
Now of course like any vitamin or supplement you ingest you might want to consult your doctor you never know and its best to always ask. Also, keep in mind what might work for me might not work for you so do not be too disappointed. Trust me I have been there where a supplement I loved gave me bad headaches, I am not saying this one would but again you never know unless you try. And I hope if you do try it your results are amazing…
Click Here Now !!!

I have been struggling with my weight since I was a kid, hey I am Sicilian/Irish born in the 70s we were always eating. Then in 1984 after crying on how overweight I was. My mom put me in Nurti System and lost the weight but the battle was won but the war not over. My weight went up and down all through High School. I discovered Bodybuilding in 1989 then Kickboxing and Boxing in 1990 and never looked back. And the past 30 years have been up and down but it happens to the best of us. I started this blog for people like me, because I have been there.