Well, we review many brands of weight loss pills and I mean many. Some you will just not know about because they were just downright rip-offs and they were. Not to mention when we review a product we do it right.
We have a workout routine and try to keep sensible diets with at least 2 cheat days well that we have found for us that we need and works for us. You just cannot rely on the supplement alone you just cant. In fact, that is plain ridiculous. There is no way no possible way to eat ring dings and sugar cookies before bed and expect to burn fat.
Unless you are on Steroids or other kinds of drugs that is just not possible it’s just not. I know this from my own personal experiences.
Enter Phen Q

What is Phen Q?
a powerful new dieting formula combining multiple weight loss benefits to help you get the slim, sexy body you’ve always wanted
- Unique new weight loss supplement designed to give you better results than others
- Burn stored fat and reveal your hidden dream body
- Suppress your appetite to eat less and cut calories
- Block fat production to stop weight gain
- Improve your mood and energy levels for hassle-free weight loss
- High quality formula produced in the US and UK in GMP and FDA approved facilities

Developed using cutting edge science and research, trademarked formula α-Lacys Reset® accelerates your metabolism and fires up your body’s thermogenesis, enabling you to burn fat quickly and achieve your dream body fast.
Your metabolism is the rate at which your body naturally burns calories. Speed up your metabolism and you burn more calories. α-Lacys Reset® accelerates your metabolism, allowing you to burn even more calories and shift fat quickly.
It gets better. A faster metabolism also means an increase in thermogenesis – your body’s heat production. To generate heat, your body burns calories. By turning up your body’s natural internal thermostat, α-Lacys Reset® fires up your calorie burn rate even further to melt away those fat stores.

Same Old Song…
Yes, they are basically telling you what every other product tells you. But we really like the ingredients of this one totally different than the ones we have tried before. We are not saying that this is the miracle supplement but it is something different to consider.
Now again everyone is different some are going to work perfectly on you, but not do a damn thing for others. I have had a few put me to sleep but others have sleepless nights. So you will never know unless you try.
And we hope if you do decide to try this product that it works very well for you.
Click Here to Order Now…

I have been struggling with my weight since I was a kid, hey I am Sicilian/Irish born in the 70s we were always eating. Then in 1984 after crying on how overweight I was. My mom put me in Nurti System and lost the weight but the battle was won but the war not over. My weight went up and down all through High School. I discovered Bodybuilding in 1989 then Kickboxing and Boxing in 1990 and never looked back. And the past 30 years have been up and down but it happens to the best of us. I started this blog for people like me, because I have been there.