These are just opinions based on when I took them. If you decide to take these supplements, you may have the same effects as I did. Or you may not I hope that you have the same good experience that I have. Because I really like both products.
How I tested them.
I took both for a period of two months each. Two months on Alpha Titan Testo and Two Months on Six Star Testosterone by Muscletech or from Muscletech its so hard to keep up with the companies nowadays.
I used them to keep and build a little more muscle and burn some fat while I was at it and I was very impressed by both of them. However, I will say that the Alpha Titan Testo made me a little more aggressive and gave me some bite to my workouts. Which I kinda like I still spar in Kickboxing and Boxing so the younger guys like to be a little more aggressive.
They both did the same job tho so I was good, but I will say the Alpha Titan Testo is more expensive by at least 20 bucks depending on where you shop for it. But again its better than Six Star but not that much better it can be a bit of a Mexican Standoff really..
In the end, I lost about 15 pounds got a lot stronger but due to my elbows being old I could not go over a certain amount but I could feel how much
stronger I was.

In my opinion, you really can’t go wrong on both
Alpha Titan Testo…
Take Alpha Titan Testosterone booster if you are looking to testo-gain. Testo gain can help improve your overall energy levels and drive. This alpha titan for men formula is a natural testosterone booster to help your body produce testosterone natural and safe. When you take a testosterone booster natural blend the ingredients help to support your bodies normal testosterone producing functions. Take this testosterone supplement natural blend to feel alpha youth and strength. Our natural testosterone booster for men is made with the best formula to help you support your natural male energy and drive.
Six Star Testosterone Booster by Muscletech
- ESSENTIAL FOR MUSCLE GROWTH: Testosterone is the primary hormonal driver of muscle growth; In fact, when it comes to fitness, muscle growth and body composition, normal testosterone levels are essential for you to succeed at your fitness goals
- SUBJECTS INCREASED TESTOSTERONE IN JUST 7 DAYS: formulated with a precise dose of the mineral boron, shown in human clinical research to increase active (free) testosterone in just 7 days
- MAINTAINS PEAK TESTOSTERONE TO CORTISOL RATIO: scientifically engineered with a plant based blend shown in a 7 week human clinical study to help maintain peak testosterone to cortisol ratio after an intense training regimen
- ENHANCES TRAINING PERFORMANCE: in the same study, test subjects also enhanced performance as determined by a marker of training capacity
- SIX STAR TESTOSTERONE BOOSTER IS FOR: male fitness enthusiasts, body builders, athletes and strength trainers
There you have it they both are similar but still very much different, but should be very much able to get the job done. We wish you luck whatever you choose.

I have been struggling with my weight since I was a kid, hey I am Sicilian/Irish born in the 70s we were always eating. Then in 1984 after crying on how overweight I was. My mom put me in Nurti System and lost the weight but the battle was won but the war not over. My weight went up and down all through High School. I discovered Bodybuilding in 1989 then Kickboxing and Boxing in 1990 and never looked back. And the past 30 years have been up and down but it happens to the best of us. I started this blog for people like me, because I have been there.