Plants Not Pills Organic Hemp Oil they are a premium, whole hemp-derived, US-grown cannabidiol (CBD) of the highest quality to power individuals seeking greater health and wellness. To be honest in our opinion if you do not want to take over the counter pharmaceuticals, this would be your logical choice. However, I have not been able to review this yet we are so far behind and that is totally my fault. But a buddy of mine and his mom takes them, one suffers from intense migraines and his mom had knee surgery months ago. And in both accounts, they both swear by it they have the oil and the gummy’s.

Now I have spoken to someone else and they said at first it was great then after some time it still worked but was not as potentiate. This either tells me that you need to cycle it or his body just built up a higher tolerance to it and in which case either could be right. Now again I have to stress that everyone is different so some might be able to take it and be fine. Meanwhile, some may try it and it does not even work for them so you can read all the reviews you want and watch all the videos the only way to see is to try it yourself.
And hopefully it works for you and if it doesn’t well now you know and you can proceed to your next step to whatever relief you need.

Who is Plants Not Pills???
Plants Not Pills™ (PNP) was founded in Canada four years ago as an awareness campaign and
nationwide call to action in response to alarming statistics on the side effects of prescription opioids.
Since its inception, PNP has assisted over 45,000 people in both Canada and the United States access
cannabinoid-based products accepted within the legal frameworks of all respective jurisdictions
within which PNP operates.
With an exclusive focus on hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD) products varying from 0.2% THC to
completely THC free, PNP is strategically-equipped to provide organically cultivated, non-GMO CBD
products on a national and international scale.
Grown, harvested, & made in the USA
Our products are grown and harvested under the Kentucky Department of Agriculture in concord with section 7606 of the U.S. Farm Bill and the laws of the State of Kentucky.
Plants Not Pills CBD products naturally contain high levels of CBD found in the proprietary hemp cultivars sourced and we pride ourselves on ensuring that the hemp extract we utilize in our products crops are sustainably farmed on U.S. family farms and are free of pesticides.
Tested by independent third parties
Plants Not Pills CBD formulations are tested by independent third parties at the time of extraction as well as after they are packaged in final form. This ensures that the premium quality of our products spans from raw goods to final product.
Our premium hemp-derived CBD products are sustainably farmed in the rich, fertile soils of the U.S Southeast, extracted in FDA-registered and inspected, GMP-compliant facilities, and formulated with domestic, natural, and organic ingredients*.
Diverse product selection
Plants Not Pills CBD products come in a wide range of modalities and selections, including broad spectrum (THC-Free) and full spectrum (containing less than 0.3% THC) options available in oil, capsule, gummy, and topical forms.
Our products incorporate natural, domestically-sourced ingredients, and are formulated with organic ingredients where available.
Plants Not Pills CBD products are available for both humans and pets.
*Organic ingredients used where available. Current regulations prevent hemp and hemp extracts from USDA Organic certification eligibility.
Final Thoughts.
Well, I suffer from intense migraines myself combine that with my injuries over the years from Kickboxing and Boxing. I am not in major pain but yea there are many days where I feel it. And yea Ibuprofen just does not cut it at times, so the first chance I get I will try it and get a full review up as soon as I can. But for now I will let you guys hopefully get some and try for yourselves and I really hope it works for you with no worries. because I myself know what its like to be in a lot of pain and all you want is relief. And hopefully, this will give you that relief.
Click Here to Proceed !!!

I have been struggling with my weight since I was a kid, hey I am Sicilian/Irish born in the 70s we were always eating. Then in 1984 after crying on how overweight I was. My mom put me in Nurti System and lost the weight but the battle was won but the war not over. My weight went up and down all through High School. I discovered Bodybuilding in 1989 then Kickboxing and Boxing in 1990 and never looked back. And the past 30 years have been up and down but it happens to the best of us. I started this blog for people like me, because I have been there.