Monster Test vs Prime Test Testosterone Boosters

The Best Testosterone Boosters

Monster Test vs Prime Test Testosterone Boosters

So today its all about Monster Test Testosterone Booster and Prime Test from Prime Labs. I gotta say for me its not even close. Now keep in mind what may work for me may not work for you and vise versa now with that outta the way.

I took Monster Test for two months and I was rather impressed I felt the difference within a week and a half to two weeks. And I friggin loved it but the downside is that the pills are kinda on the big side and you have to take 4 a day and did I mention they are kinda on the big side? But it’s a small price to pay to gain a little weight and strength and most of all feel good when working out this gave me a really nice pump as well.

Two months later I started taking Prime Test from prime labs, now the pills were a lot smaller and easier to swallow. But for me, it really didn’t have the same kick as the Monster Test did. I was still motivated to work out and I did keep my strength but it was mediocre at best it kinda felt like I was just existing just in the middle but hey this is just my experience who knows maybe it was just me, maybe I have been pushing my body too hard who knows but for me the Prime Test was just average to me is all.

Now the only way for you to ever find out is to bite the bullet like I did and try each one at your own accord. Maybe you see better results than I did with the Prime Labs? You really can’t go wrong with either but I got better results with Monster Test I’m just saying is all.

Now go get’em Tiger and achieve your goals !!!

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