We have been at this …
A while now almost a year taking and testing certain fat burners, and yours truly has been involved as well. So I can wholeheartedly tell you what has given us the best results. Now also remember that it is not all the supplement it is a strict diet and exercise program as well these supplements aid you and aid you very well but you will not get good to great results on just the supplement alone.
Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite…
Not only does amazon offer an amazing deal but we have been taking this for the past month and we are very satisfied with this product. It takes a little while for it to kick in I have to take it at least two hours before a work out on an empty stomach but I get a good solid two hours of an intense workout because of it. Then afterward I get no crash nothing do I feel tired? Of course but I just worked out for two hours so…
Now I will also point out that you should follow the directions to the letter. This can be very powerful to some people when they first take it if they are not used to taking a supplement like this. You may or may not get the jitters, but you will have a boost of energy. But then again it all depends on how your body is. I have taken fat burners that have done nothing for me even make me drowsy.
Just be careful that is all that I am saying.
VPX Redline Xtreme Energy
VPX Redline Xtreme is one of the most powerful and fast-acting ready-to-drink (RTD) energy products. A significant 7.5% improvement reaction time^A dramatic 13% increase in energy^An amazing 15% increase in focus^Great tasting^Contains BCAA’s and electrolytes
Now with that being said, I have been drinking Redline Xtreme for at least 5 years. Will you hear stories and reports yes you will. I only drink Redline before workouts and maybe for a few weeks at a time then I switch up to another drink like its sister product Bang Energy.
Like anything, you take you are supposed to take in moderation. Too much of anything is not good for you. And energy drinks are no exception. Now I DO stay away from ANY drinks with a high amount of sugar. That is the one thing I will say. I am NO Doctor whatsoever but I know my body and my own diets and I try to NOT to consume as much sugar as possible. I haven’t cut out sugar totally but I do keep my consumption as low as possible.
Redline Extreme is my go-to energy drink besides its sister product Bang. I am more of a coffee drinker. So I only drink Redline or Bang before a workout and that is it. You will not catch me to wake up in the morning and drink Redline I mean you could and many do. But I try not to drink more of these energy drinks as I need to. Don’t forget if you drink too much your body gets used to it and either you have to drink more to get results or the drink just does not work altogether.
Now again this top three are our choices in our own opinion and experiences. We are not doctors we are gym rats that love working out and taking care of our bodies. Me at 48 years old yes I do not have the body of Jason Momoa but in shape not perfect but in shape. Two of my interns are bodybuilders and one is a fitness competitor. So each of us is different in our goals.
So many of the results and opinions vary, we are not telling you what to take. Nor are we telling you that these are the miracle supplements. If you do try these supplements we hope you get the same good results we have gotten. We do hope we follow the instructions and do not abuse what you are taking.
I can tell you from experience you have to be very careful about what you take I have had some scary instances so please follow what the label tells you and listen to your body..

I have been struggling with my weight since I was a kid, hey I am Sicilian/Irish born in the 70s we were always eating. Then in 1984 after crying on how overweight I was. My mom put me in Nurti System and lost the weight but the battle was won but the war not over. My weight went up and down all through High School. I discovered Bodybuilding in 1989 then Kickboxing and Boxing in 1990 and never looked back. And the past 30 years have been up and down but it happens to the best of us. I started this blog for people like me, because I have been there.